Personality traits

Listed below are the 8 personality traits (characteristics) that you have identified as the most important to you.

Like working conditions, these personality traits are necessary if you are to thrive and blossom, deliver the best of yourself and operate at your maximum efficiency.

During job interviews, you will need to find ways to ensure that the job will offer at least 5 of these personality traits in those you will be working with (this includes bosses, colleagues, subordinates and those in the outside world you will interface with). It is very difficult to find all 8, but if you can match 5 of them (60%), you are safe to take the job. Chances are good you will be happy and efficient in the job. On the other hand, if only 2 or 3 exist, move very carefully as you may find yourself unhappy (and leaving the job) after only a short period.

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